Thursday, December 29, 2016

Financial Reporting Studio : Services : Status: 503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable


A 'Service Temporarily Unavailable' error occurred communicating with the server.
URI: http://server:19000/hr/xml/HRConfig.jsp

Status: 503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable

Content: text/html
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Weblogic Bridge Message</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY><H2>Failure of server APACHE bridge:</H2>

<P><hr>No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent.<hr>


This issue is more on the web-logic server side .

Error 503—Service Unavailable

Indicates that WebLogic Server cannot find the compiler it requires to compile your JSPs. 

more about the complier

WLS Session Issues

The WebLogic Proxy Plug-In routes the requests to backend WLS server/cluster. WLS maintains sessions so that subsequent requests from the same client are routed to the same WLS server. However, due to various reasons, if the WebLogic Proxy Plug-In is unable to communicate with the WLS server:
  • If the request is routed to a single WebLogic Server instance, the WebLogic Proxy Plug-In continues trying to connect to that same WebLogic Server instance for the maximum number of retries as specified by the ratio of ConnectTimeoutSecs and ConnectRetrySecs. If all attempts fail, an HTTP 503 error message is returned back to the client.
  • If the request is routed to WebLogic Cluster, then the current WLS server is marked as bad, and the request is routed to the next available WLS server. If all attempts fail, an HTTP 503 error message is returned back to the client.
In addition to sending a HTTP 503 error message, the following is displayed as a response in the HTTP client:
Failure of Web Server bridge:
No backend server available for connection: timed out after xx seconds or idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent.